Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Working together

This past weekend five of us--my husband and I, his sister and her husband, and his surviving brother--spent one full working day cleaning and sorting at the house where my husband and his siblings grew up. We've got a whole heap of work ahead of us and we'll be repeating this process for many, many weekends. Lucky for us, we all get along well.

But here's the weird, you-gotta-smile-at-life thing. My sister-in-law's husband comes from a family with genetic dwarfism. My sister-in-law was born with one mal-formed hip and short Achilles tendon that left her with one leg shorter than the other. I'm a Marf. There's over a foot difference in our height. We work together pretty well, though. Some of it is due to complementarity--having someone to reach the places you can't--but some of it is an attitude we all have from being outside the normal spectrum.

Food for thought--does any of this have anything to do with marrying siblings or siblings wanting to marry us?

Hmmm. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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