Thursday, July 2, 2009

The river named denial

The average reaction to adversity seems to be to struggle toward acceptance. Maybe because I seem to have been born a contrarian, I struggle toward denial. Honestly, I would like to be able to do denial. I would like to sail up that river:

Here's what I'd find: My life, the way it was for the first 42 years. My only annual doctor's visits would be of the feminine variety. I'd still have those every-third-year colonoscopies to look forward to, and daily meds, because ulcerative colitis is a definite presence in my life, and if I skip the meds for a day, I am most definitely aware of the effects (not pretty, believe me).

In a way, it would be easy to deny having Marfan's. After the diagnosis, nothing was different. Not really. Seven years later, nothing has changed. No meds (well, except for the trial, but that's over). No significant changes in measurements.

But Marfan's does explain why I am so tall, and why I was a tall teenager in an age when very few girls hit 5'10" or 5'11" (or, as I have said for a long time, 5'11" 3/4"). It explains the stretch marks on my knees and hips. It explains the growing pains and the buck teeth. It explains all those things it was so difficult to accept when I was a teenager, the things I did come to accept and appreciate when I was much, much older.

So maybe, denial is attractive, because, if I accept that I have Marfan's, then I am, in a way, accepting that when I felt like a freak of nature, I was, somehow, right, and all the pain and struggle before I came to acceptance was really for nothing.

For now, I'll keep keep paddling, here, where acceptance and denial flow together into the stream of life.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Defining normal

Today BD (Beloved Daughter) and I had our annual, or bi-annual visit to the cardiologist. The techs were trying out a new echocardiogram machine, so I heard interesting things like, "You get can get a 4-D image. Use the 3-D transducer." Are we a dimension short? The transducer is. Time is measured on the monitor.

No change. No surprise. My heart hasn't changed in the last seven years. Neither has BD's.

The cardiologist recommends we start taking Losartan. Given my experience with the mystery med (previous post), I'd rather not right now. The Great Sorting. Writing and teaching this fall. But I promised I'd start in January, after the semester is over. (The Great Sorting will be over before the end of the summer. It will! It will!!) I also said that if I notice that I felt logey (sp?) and/or felt my creative juices were impaired, that I would go off it.

This is one more instance of "It's not what you've got, it's how you use it." I want to use the days I have, not get through them. I did that with enough days before I figured out what I wanted to do with my life.

The other thing that caught my attention was the cardiologist, whom I like, saying, "Losartan could solve a lot of problems. The biggest are the heart, and the eyes, but then there's other issues." He described patients who are 7 feet tall.

I had an image of my neighbor's athletic son, who is 6'-10", no sign of Marfan's. So, what's abnormal about being extremely tall? I'm practically 6' myself, and while I certainly felt abnormal in high school in the 1970s, I meet young women on college campuses regularly who are as tall as I am or maybe taller. I don't think they all have Marfan's. Hey, I can even buy clothes retail that fit these days.

I'm not comfortable with medicine that normalizes. Medicine should relieve pain and suffering. Medicine should reduce the risk of mortality. But I don't believe medicine should tinker with those things that make us who we are. If I had started taking Losartan when I was, say 8, and had never reached my current height, I would not be who I am. I became who I am because I was 5'7" in the 6th grade (taller than the teacher) and being so tall all the way through high school meant that I stuck out. I was the kid who was different and it wasn't at all easy, but without that experience I would not have developed the same sense of empathy for others who are different. I would not have escaped so deeply into the world of books. I would not have felt so comfortable traveling to a country where I barely knew the language.

If everyone were "normal," what would the world look like? What would the world feel like?

Has it been so long?

I can't believe I last posted in April. May and June certainly zipped by. I also can't believe it because I was definitely going to post when I got back from my last visit to Brigham & Women's, the final visit for my participation in the Losartan-Atenelol trial .

You know, I didn't think the mystery med (it was a blind trial) had affected me. I thought all my fatigue in April was due to it being the last month of the semester, more weekends sorting out my late in-laws' house (aka The Great Sorting), and a presentation to prepare and give at a workshop and a conference to attend. [Come to think of it, it's amazing I did post at all in April.]

But about a week after I went off the mystery med, I could tell that my energy level was back to what it was pre-trial. I didn't have to have a cup of caffeine (ususally black tea) to get through the afternoon. My garden is in and up. I've got some hefty revisions completed on my novel and sent it off to an agent, and I've revised a short story and sent it off to a contest. The Great Sorting is on-going. Life is back to it's current version of normal.