Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Has it been so long?

I can't believe I last posted in April. May and June certainly zipped by. I also can't believe it because I was definitely going to post when I got back from my last visit to Brigham & Women's, the final visit for my participation in the Losartan-Atenelol trial .

You know, I didn't think the mystery med (it was a blind trial) had affected me. I thought all my fatigue in April was due to it being the last month of the semester, more weekends sorting out my late in-laws' house (aka The Great Sorting), and a presentation to prepare and give at a workshop and a conference to attend. [Come to think of it, it's amazing I did post at all in April.]

But about a week after I went off the mystery med, I could tell that my energy level was back to what it was pre-trial. I didn't have to have a cup of caffeine (ususally black tea) to get through the afternoon. My garden is in and up. I've got some hefty revisions completed on my novel and sent it off to an agent, and I've revised a short story and sent it off to a contest. The Great Sorting is on-going. Life is back to it's current version of normal.

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